Hellebores in bloom. |
- Feel like judging, guessing, or learning about stuff you won't ever need to use? Then check this out: what's not allowed on China's version of Twitter, Weibo.
- The Zombie Apocalypse could happen at any moment. Start your family's survival strategy by choosing the best chicken breed to for the Zombie Apocalypse.
- The rare titan arum (Amorphophallus titanium) aka Corpse Flower at Cornell University should be blooming within the next few days. Watch it live! Fun fact: Amorphophallus titanium literally translates to giant misshapen penis. Go ahead, Google it.
- Chautauqua is a funny sounding name for a county. Even funnier? They have buggy drinking parties! Imagine this scenario as you read it:
"As a patrol car arrived on the scene, one of the Amish buggies changed lanes, colliding with the police vehicle. The buggy flipped onto its side, causing minor injuries to one of the people on board. Police say several other buggies fled the scene."
- Monsanto is evil and owns Seminis. If you're a gardener who, like me, sometimes buy seeds or seedlings from a garden centre, please find out where your seeds truly come from. This list does not mean the cultivars are GMOs, some are even heirloom varieties. However, know that they are now owned by Monsanto and are likely selling them to big box stores under theirs or another distributor's name. If you love any of these varieties, buy them from reputable organic and open-pollinated seed stores*! Forewarned is forearmed.
- Free and Awesome. Let me teach you some learnings. Fool everyone and act like you know things by listening/watching lectures from top universities for free. Right now, I'm listening to Game Theory by Ben Polak from Yale.
*Visit my "seed list" page to see all organic and open-pollinated seed sellers I've supported.
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